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cartomancie, astrologie, runes...


I use my past studies in psychology and sociology to do divination in a space of conversation and non-judgmental listening, paying attention to patterns and systems, seeking to see through projections.


There is also a magical / occult aspect to readings. Divination holds space for a little bit of fantasy to infiltrate reality and empower it. For the mundane to be touched by the sacred.


Divination connects us symbolically to larger planes of existence in the cosmos. I tie my understanding of a divined message to the querent's experience and also to the seasonal movement of the planet.


I use my music studies to inform my understanding of tools like cartomancy, astrology, and runes, because art is a powerful vehicle for healing and intention. Artists can choose a special guidance formula "In the Temple of the Muses" to aid in the creation of a new project.

rachel marie serene

☉ ♏︎  /  ☾ ♓︎  / AC ♋︎


2017-2021 Atelier divinatoire (organizer)

J'en Suis, J'y Reste, Chez Violette, MAC de Mons

Themes : Self Love, Astral Travel, Body and Mind, Healing, Elements of the Minor Arcana, Self- and Community-care

2020 - 2022 Marché des Sorcières

J'en Suis, J'y Reste

2020 Première "Les Chévalières du Zodiaque"

Tarot readings after short film opening

2017 Witches, WAKE UP!

La Colisée, Roubaix

Tarot readings with Gé Es


2021-2022 : MEEF éducation musicale et chant chorale, Université de Lille

2021-2022 : Musicology

Undergraduate , Université de Lille

2018-2021 : Historical Sociology

Undergraduate , Université de Lille

Mémoire soutenu :

"Avoir les cartes en main : l'art ésotérique à la service de mouvements queers et féministes"

2014, 2018 Psychology

- Maîtrise (1st of 2 year masters), U. de Lille

- Undergraduate, Indiana U. and U. de Lille

online classes on divination


Magik for the people - Omi [patreon classroom, underway]

The Tarot Apothecary - Worts & Cunning  [underway]

Tarot and Shadow Work for Activating Dynamic Power - Benebell Wen

Trainee Tarot Course - Kelly-Ann Maddox

The Alternative Tarot Course - Little Red Tarot

Spirit Guides and Tarot - Ethony

Astrology -

- all by Chani Nicholas

Goddess Wisdom : Juno [underway]

Your Money

Goddess Wisdom : Vesta

Your Moon

Calling in the Love You Need

Awaken Your Witch (Scorpio moon cycle)

Runes -

Radical Runes - Northern Lights Witch [underway]

( photo by balthamoose )


Payment can be sent by Paypal or Lydia after you receive the reading.

I don't respond to yes/no questions or to questions about third parties. I do use layouts that speak about the future in terms of possibility but I don't consider the future to be inevitable until the moment of occurrence.


Readings are confidential on my end

(but you can share what you want).

Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes and not a substitute for therapy.


3-card reading + 1 rune

[1.5 page PDF]

A short channelled message. Insight about a current decision or event.





Traditional 10-card reading + runes

[45-minute reading or 3 page PDF]

Detailed look at this season's growth cycle and how it ties into bigger spiritual pictures.


in the temple

of the muses

Three one-on-one readings

[45 mintes each, 1 month apart]

guided ritual [1.5 pg PDF] and personalized playlist


We'll use the Tarot to dive into a new artistic project you are working on and ask the Muses for their inspiration in making your vision a reality.


General natal chart reading

[1 hour video chat or 4 page PDF]

A first look at your birth chart (Sun, Moon, rising, ruling planet and some important planets/points/aspects). Painting a picture of the themes.


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