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  • Writer's pictureRachel Marie

:: Halloween Tarotscopes ::

Updated: Dec 28, 2019

Here we are in the last week of spooky season, and on the 31st we'll have not only Halloween but Mercury stationing retrograde!

I wanted to ask for some guidance going into this deeply transformational moment, so here are your tarotscopes for the last harvest and all that we are learning, entering this portal, saving seeds for the next decade...


Ace of Cups, Elecampane, 5 of Wands


Behind your eyes there hides a wellspring. There is too much pressure on the outside sometimes: better or worse, more or less. But you know the universe is deeper than binaries and deeper than what appears on the surface. Try to remember your dreams this week - daydreams included. You are on the verge of a revelation, and it’s not something that everyone wants you to find. But when you do find it, you’ll know why.


Page of Wands, Dahlia, 4 of Pentacles


The dance between the past, the present, and the future is not always easy. But it is a dance, a balance between practice and improvisation. You are holding on to something and it’s time to decide - are you going to let go of it now, or is it something you still need? Nobody else can make that decision for you, but you feel like it’s an important choice, and it is. When in doubt, listen for the music and sway to where the good vibrations are.


5 of Pentacles, Rose, 3 of Cups


To love is to give a piece of yourself to someone else, and to accept a piece of them as part of you. Sometimes you find yourself wandering out in the rain and it feels empty but you don’t even want anyone else to talk to. You just want to be. And sometimes even feeling full is painful - a blissful pain, at the very heart of things. Singing together in the neon lights in the middle of a warm room, electronic beats. The important thing is to experience it all, not to master what it means.


Queen of Cups, Blackthorn, 3 of Swords


The path to fear opens the heart to multiverses. You have been hurt, and you will be hurt again; you know we all will. But in this moment, you reign over your emotions like a sea rich with unknown life, and you are overflowing with desire. Your loss is sacred, your fear is sacred, and your love is sacred. When you’re ready, you can dive and breathe liquid, because there is a new depth of your heart ready to be explored. Ready to be witnessed by your whole aquatic soul.


Knight of Pentacles, Thyme, 6 of Cups


You have done so much work in the shadows this year, preparing for a new decade. Excavation, exorcism, archaeology and archive-searching, and now here you are. It’s finally time to put the artefacts away and embark with the smallest baggage imaginable. You are who you are now and the galaxy sees you alone in the present moment. You’ve preserved moments of your truth, familiar smells, postcards, tucked in one secret pocket of your bag. They rest happy and breathe life into the path that is leading you somewhere entirely new.


2 of Swords, Protea, 7 of Swords


Decisions, decisions… which way will you go? You’ve been making up your mind for a while and something is about to alert you that it’s time to choose. A hidden message, but not hidden to you, not anymore. No, you can feel it now: the choice that will change things the most is the choice that your guides are pointing you towards. The next step is yet to be illuminated, and taking risks is not always fun, but this time it might be. Might be the path of least resistance. Smooth sailing.


10 of Pentacles, Passion Flower, Queen of Wands


Blossoming, showing your higher self in a world plagued by supremacy... it takes a lot of faith. And yet here you are in the garden of all you’ve created this year, not only looking at late-blooming flowers but also at fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds you’ll store for the future. You made this, so celebrate it! Not only for yourself but for the ones who don’t have the bravery you have. Yet. Because you are rooting for them too, for the whole community and other communities, and we appreciate you more than ever now.


Page of Cups, Magolia, VI. The Lovers


You only get one body in this life. Your body is yours and no-one else’s and it is beautiful and it is so far beyond systems of value and monetization. Your soul came here to be, came here to speak, came here to dream. Where will you put your power now that you’ve scarred over and your skin is whole again? Who will you love? Can you love yourself now? Look at that. Maybe you finally can.


XVIII. The Moon, Valerian, 2 of Wands


Sweet air fills your lungs and the oxygen becomes part of your blood. Something was holding you back, wasn’t it... but not anymore. The feeling of freedom you always seek is pulling your forward now, open arms and smiling eyes. When you can move wherever you wish, however overwhelming that reality is, you can find peace. Peace in the movement. So while you will have to let go of stability, once again, you can level up.


9 of Swords, Beth Root, Ace of Wands


You know when to ask for help and when to self-soothe. You really do. And while you just passed through a fog of fighting your own demons, the light at the end of the tunnel is nearing. This time, you are coming back to the table not to ask us questions but to tell us something important. Where there are dragons, there is usually hidden wealth. Did you find something beautiful? Maybe. Something useful? Definitely.


IX. The Hermit, Borage, 8 of Wands


A season of alchemy is beginning, something you prayed for but ended up being harder than you expected. It’s ok, this questioning (“is this really worth it?”) is part of the task. Reach back to your past selves and what they hoped for naively from this moment. Reach forward to your future ancestral self and all that you will know when you’re finished. And finally, listen to what the community is murmuring about what you’re doing- some of them are afraid, maybe. But the important ones... they’re impressed, aren’t they?


Page of Swords, Globe Mallow, Queen of Swords


Shifting perspectives, a cosmic shift… do you feel that? It’s rare that we get to really appraise what we have become, a mental landscape so strange, so alien to what we knew before. Yet here you are. On a different wave, HD clarity and somehow it’s thrilling. This time you can see the bigger picture without judging the process. The new download is coming online and you can feel it in your bones. No question - there’s no going back now. So you embrace it.

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