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  • Writer's pictureRachel Marie

Pride month tarotscopes!

Happy pride month darlings!


I wanted to do something special for my blog and I thought a tarotscope for the new moon would be fun. I drew two cards for each sign, one from the Next World Tarot (Christy C. Road) and one from the Pythia Botanica Oracle (Leila & Olive). Then I wrote a 100-word reading and threw in a song suggestion based on the results.

Read your sun sign, moon sign, rising, ruling planet(s), whatever floats your boat!


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Aries ♈️

How do the little things happening in your life correspond to the world that you are trying to manifest yourself into? Good things often take time, even for an Aries babe! Celebrate your personal energy among the energies of the people you love. Celebrate where you already are.

The journey isn’t over, but it’s not just starting, either. You are on the way somewhere important, and you already have the map to the next step sketched out. Immerse yourself in this story that you are telling to the planet and know that you have something to say.

Song suggestion : here

Taurus ♉️

You know that creation is teaching the world to welcome our souls’ beauty inside it. Well the world is here for your lesson! And the people who see the simple but infinite wealth of being alive are the ones who will carry some of what you are unpacking for them, and in turn pass the message to the next generation.

Be held by community when you feel yourself tired of the uphill struggle. Trust yourself to find the ones who will harmonize with your vision. Trust the changing seasons to remember your wisdom.

Song suggestion : here

Gemini ♊️

Of all the signs, you might know best that reason is not contradictory to feeling. Your emotional intelligence has found its way into your community organizing skills, for the better! Let yourself be pulled by the dawning year and by your own heartstrings. The balance between obligation and fantasy is delicate but don’t you love a good challenge?

Build a new way of thinking with the blueprints of your experience, and share it, all with your contagious Gemini smile. The rainbow way you speak your truth is going to move stones that block our collective path.

Song suggestion : here

Cancer ♋️

The sweetest water is high in the mountains, safe from the extreme fatigue and pollution of the city’s collective. You have learned to protect your heart by going to where it can flow free! And from there when you return to the chaos of everyday life you are able to breathe.

Water is life. Each and every one of us has to find our source, and help to reverse the pollution of the collective oceans. You are starting with yours, but there are no walls, just space, between the river of your soul and all other souls.

Song suggestion : here

Leo ♌️

It’s counterintuitive to choose not to be defensive in a world infested by hate. Your Leo shine is invaluable to us, and you fight to continue to glow even though hiding would be easier. Find the solid earth beneath your feet and the sun on your hair. The galaxy wants love to win, and it hears your song, and forwards it to the ends of the universe!

Do something extra for your physical health this month. Something enjoyable that makes you feel like you’re at a spa. Something that connects you to this planet and the gravity of our star.

Song suggestion : here

Virgo ♍️

What would it look like to do a ritual to thank yourself for being exactly who you are? The lessons you learned, the problems you helped other people solve? It’s ok to be a perfectionist sometimes, if you are trying to reach a higher vibration!

You can be mindful and accept the present moment while still expecting better situations for the people around you. When you see the bigger picture and know that there is work to be done, this is a gift you give. Be proud of your honesty and vulnerability. Make space for yourself in the revolution unconditionally.

Song suggestion : here

Libra ♎️

Your sign focuses on balanced relationship, and so it is a sign of justice. The only way out, the only way we can truly love each other, is by carving out space in larger societies that mostly don’t deserve us.

This might be a time to connect to queer ancestors, and to ask them how they held on to faith. We are not isolated in this historical moment, but the queer past has been hidden from us. See what you can do to release it! Leave behind the things we don’t need anymore but remember love always existed.

Song suggestion : here

Scorpio ♏️

The heat has been turning up on your personal projects, but you know you are here for a reason. Catch a wave, if you fall just stay positive! The energy of this season is just what you need to break free from a place of introspection and get in touch with the outside world.

Don’t let the movement around you distract you, though. The opportunity has to be handled skillfully or it will just contribute to your doubts. Learn to laugh at yourself but learn to mean what you say, too. Then let your momentum do the rest.

Song suggestion : here

Sagittarius ♐️

When you look at the groups you are working with right now, which ones seem like they are in it for the long haul? Sag babes love to ski around the obstacles of commitment but at least one of your current work teams is a keeper! Without losing your own freedom to decide, look for what they are giving to you that you haven’t had before.

Where do their ideas fall into the larger picture of your life right now? Is there something you can physically do right now to make sure that dream succeeds?

Song suggestion : here

Capricorn ♑️

You are a powerful healing force right now. To learn the alchemy of peace, you have been on a long journey. After the storm you are fabricating a cure to your own inner chaos. Don’t forget to save the recipe, because you, or we, might need it again later.

Balance right now is not just choosing the right ingredients but the dosage of each of them. You know that even emotions like anger are vital to social movement. What else do you know how to use that might not be expected? You are the chef in this restaurant!

Song suggestion : here

Aquarius ♒️

Your sign is unafraid of complexity. You’re unafraid of simplicity too! That flexible mind of yours is a strength when it comes to innovation. You had some time to think, and now you’ve got a new idea. It’s almost time to share it with us, isn’t it? Your project might seem ambitious, but maybe it can be done.

You know it’s time to act, and you know you can’t do it alone. How can you explain what you desire in order to bring it into reality? This may not be a logistic question, it’s a spiritual question.

Song suggestion : here

Pisces ♓️

You are called by the task of breaking down barriers. The last sign, the sign that has known pieces and parts of all the other signs and carries them inside. It’s time to be reborn, like the phoenix dusting off its feathers to fly.

Before you arrived here, would you have believes you could become the person you are today? Did your wild imagination even grasp this possibility? Actions speak louder than words, so show us why you had to change. We are all always changing, and this change is a blessing.

Song suggestion : here



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